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There is divide and dissonance in the world today - in your community and around the world.  Exchanges feel transactional and cursory.  Consumers feel disengaged, detached and are yearning to belong. 


Cultivating community is our suggested path to bridge this divide.  Carefully build, tend and strengthen the connection between your community and your brand.  This engagement, however, must be carried out with authenticity for open, honest, two-way communication.  


This allows meaningful and deep connections, builds trust with consumers, and instills a sense of ownership on their part.  Building belonging creates engaged communities that sustain and drive lasting value for all members: this is your real ROI = Return on Involvement.




To support you on this journey, we provide a wide variety of strategic services, across industries, all rooted in hospitality.

Beautiful Sunset


We offer insight and recommendations on strategic issues such as capital structure, strategic direction, growth strategies, affiliation, business development, branding, future of travel and innovation.  Our unique backgrounds and experiences enable us to work across all levels of an organization and all types of industries.


We help you build and grow your connected community to achieve real ROI for all members.  This approach drives the lasting outcomes of authenticity, including a shift from selling to engaging and a change from target customers to community members invested in your brand and success.


Our global expertise can help you evaluate opportunities around the word.  We also provide early stage and angel funding to support purposeful businesses with inspiring missions, socially and environmentally responsible programs or who partner with likeminded impactful firms.

Our Services: Services
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